We publish the press release which was issued following the difficult year of Garda Dop.

The 2019/20 olive oil campaign in fact recorded a -90 / 95% of production. Our company, unlike many others, still managed to produce and certify Dop. The quantities unfortunately follow the percentages of the whole Garda area.

We support the request for the state of natural disaster of the Garda Dop Oil Consortium


Marchese di Canossa – Fondo Brè

Veronese olives and Garda Dop: a disaster

Confagricoltura speaks of a bad year

Collapse of production up to 80 percent and estimated losses of around 10 million euros. For the Verona area, the 2019 harvest closes with a strongly negative balance due to an adverse weather, which hit the plants in full bloom. After an excellent 2018, crowned by an abundant production (220,000 quintals of olives in Veneto), this year many olive growers will not even put the nets on the ground for harvesting, because the product is very little. “It was cold when it had to be hot and hot when it was cold – underlines Alessandra Di Canossa, vice president of the olive growers sector of Confagricoltura Verona -. The very rainy and cold month of May heavily interfered in the flowering, as the olive blossom is very delicate and needs a good climate to develop. A significant rise in temperature followed from June, which further aggravated the situation. To all this was added the olive fly and finally also the Asian bug ”. Even the Garda area is not saved, although the climate is usually milder